Victims of Sexual Assault Compensation


Wyatts Support Victims of Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse

Are you seeking sexual abuse compensation?

Have you been sexually assaulted?

Are you looking for a lawyer to support you with a sexual abuse case?

Have you, or has someone you love, been the victim of child sexual abuse?

Were you sexually abused at the hands of a person or institution you thought you could trust?

Has your experience of child abuse damaged your quality of life?

Victims of Sexual Abuse Compensation

Victims Of Crime CompensationSexual assault is a traumatic and life-changing experience. The psychological scars can be persistent and extremely difficult to face. We understand that it can be challenging for victims of sexual assault to take the steps towards seeking legal support and financial compensation. We know that sexual assault compensation cannot take away the distress, but we also know that it allows victims the opportunity to seek medical services and psychological support, to recover lost income and cover living expenses, and to take important steps towards ensuring safety. Furthermore, a sexual assault compensation payment can be a recognition of the trauma suffered.

For these reasons, our lawyers are here to offer a compassionate and thoughtful service. We are highly-dedicated to supporting victims of crime, including sexual assault and institutional child sexual abuse. With expertise and commitment, we will work towards achieving the outcome you deserve.

We are here to offer a compassionate helping hand,
so that you can move towards brighter future

Wyatts Compensation Lawyers is one of Sydney’s most experienced personal injury and compensation legal firms. Our highly-qualified and dedicated team has more than 150 years of combined experience – so you know that you will have the best people by your side. Our Directors – Julie Wyatt and Neville Wyatt – have extensive experience in Compensation and Personal Injury Law, and both have a highly-respected record within the legal service.

At Wyatts, our commitment is to offer every client a comprehensive, personalised and attentive service. We understand that you are more than a “case number” and we will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve.

We Listen. We Care

Sex abuse royal commissioner slams Catholic leaders

Speaking for the first time, Justice Peter McClellan says the idea that the abuse of children was a moral failure not a crime was a sign of the “corruption”.

Read the full article here

Successful Sexual Abuse Compensation Judgment
in Favour of Our Client

Earlier in 2018, Wyatts represented four sisters who brought proceedings in tort against their biological father for historical child sexual assault claims. These matters were complex and confrontational as they detailed sexual and physical abuse sustained by the plaintiffs on an almost weekly basis from 1970 to the early 1980s. Once we obtained judgment the matters were assessed in the District Court of New South Wales with a combined judgment of more than $2.8 million.

Clergy, School And Institutional Abuse
Sexual assault victims compensation

Successful Judgment in Favour of Our Client, October 2019

In the mid-1990’s, our client was in his early teenage years when he was groomed by a neighbour. The neighbour went on to sexually abuse our client over a number of years, with the assaults gradually increasing in severity. When the physical abuse when our client got older, psychological abuse continued as the abuser continued to be in contact with our client, telling him of assaults on other children.

The abuse caused our client a life of torment. From a child who enjoyed school, he was expelled and never completed his education. His family life fell apart, and READ MORE ...

he was in and out of employment for many years. Nightmares, poor sleep, anger, anxiety and  severe depression became the defining features of our client’s life.

Our client found the courage to report the assaults to police in 2017, leading to an extensive investigation. The neighbour was eventually arrested and pleaded guilty to the assaults upon our client. The abuser was incarcerated, and may well die in prison.
At the moment our client needed a fighter in his corner, he approached Wyatts Lawyers. We were shocked at the serious abuse he had suffered, but were not surprised at the terrible toll it had taken on his life. Stories such as his are common amongst our clients who have been abused.

Mitchell Broom, an Accredited Specialist in personal injury law, along with the team at Wyatts, took on the case and quickly placed the abuser on notice of our client’s claim for damages. Within two months of approaching the firm, the case was filed in the Supreme Court of NSW seeking damages.

Our client’s abuser did not respond to the claim, and we applied for a default judgment, securing a hearing date less than 12 months after our client approached us to help.

Our careful preparation convinced the Court that our client had suffered truly catastrophic injuries that changed the course of his life. We are proud that our preparation of the case ensured our client received record compensation for his pain and suffering, loss of income, need for assistance around his home, and the devastating effects of continuing medication upon his health.

On 3 October 2019, our client was awarded damages of over $3.5 million dollars, plus legal costs. We believe this is a record judgment for a sexual abuse case in NSW, and this will assist other victims of sexual abuse.

While no amount of compensation can reverse the suffering our client experiences, we are hopeful this money can change his life for the better.

We are committed to achieving record results for every client. If we can help you with your claim, please call us. We will listen to your story, prepare your claim quickly, and do everything we can to win for you.

Significant Sexual Abuse Compensation Victory and Swift Justice for Our Client

We acted for a victim who had been sexually abused by a close family member over an extensive period. The abuse was extensive and extreme, and had severely impacted our client such that her ability to work and form relationships had been seriously damaged. Our client had the courage to talk to police many years later, and the perpetrator pleaded guilty and was convicted. While the criminal proceedings were finalised, court proceedings began to seek compensation for our client. The Court delivered judgment within READ MORE ...

three months of the legal proceedings beginning, and assessed our client’s damages at over  $1.2million, including general damages (past and future), interest on general damages, past loss of income, future loss of income plus interest, and loss of superannuation.

This case was decided before the NSW Parliament which removed time limits for historical sexual abuse claims, and was therefore a significant victory for our client, delivering swift justice and much-needed compensation for the abuse suffered.
This client had approached several other law firms, who had turned our client away saying the case was too difficult. We were confident in the case and committed to achieving justice for our client and seeing it through, achieving an exceptional result.

Abuse Compensation
Business And Corporate Advice

Sexual Abuse Compensation Received Within 12 Months

We acted for a victim who had been sexually abused by the father of a friend. The daily sexual abuse spanned the course of one week, however the impacts of the abuse were lifelong and impacted our client’s ability to work, interact with friends, and maintain a married relationship. The abuse also caused a spiral into drug addiction and self-harm. After many years, our client faced the perpetrator in court, who pleaded guilty to the charges against several others as well as our client. We commenced civil READ MORE ...

proceedings, quickly and efficiently preparing the matter and using the court system to our client’s advantage. Our expert preparation and detailed knowledge of the process ensured a significant judgment in our client’s favour of just short of half a million dollars, and our client received his compensation less than 12 months after the process started.

Sexual assault can be committed by a stranger, spouse, de facto partner, or boyfriend or girlfriend. Sexual assault can also occur within an institutional setting, including but not limited to, churches, schools, universities, sporting clubs, dance schools, child-care facilities, aged-care facilities, psychiatric hospitals, and within Government-run institutions.

It does not matter where, when, or in what circumstance the sexual abuse occurred, you are entitled to seek justice, support and financial compensation for your suffering.

Wyatts Compensation Lawyers are here to listen to your story, and you are welcome to speak to one of our lawyers in person or over the phone.
Our resolve is to support you in your journey, and to ensure that you are treated with the utmost respect and dignity.

Wyatts Compensation Lawyers offer:

A free initial consultation for sexual assault, child sexual abuse and physical abuse claims

A No Win, No Fee policy

Consultation in your preferred language

Five conveniently located offices in the Sydney CBD, Parramatta, Liverpool, Brisbane and Melbourne.

In-home consultation – If you are unable to travel, we will come to you!!

If you are looking for a compensation lawyer to provide you with a comprehensive and personalised service, please call Wyatts today on 1800 773 880 or contact us using our online form.

Sexual assault is any unwanted, uninvited, coercive or forced sexual act that occurs against your will. In other words, it is any sexual behaviour that is forced upon you without your consent – without you freely agreeing to participate in the sexual activity and/or without you understanding what is involved in the act. Consent cannot be given if you are intoxicated, asleep or unconscious. It can also not be given if someone uses their physical strength, age, size, or position of power or trust to force or coerce you into a sexual behaviour.

Sexual assault or abuse is a criminal offense that can be committed by anyone, including a stranger, friend, acquaintance, family member, intimate partner, work colleague, employer, carer, clergy member, teacher, or medical professional. Sexual assault or sexual abuse can range from sexual touching, through to forceful or violent conduct and rape.

If you have been the victim of sexual assault, you have a right to seek justice, and to have access to legal support and compensation.

In New South Wales, sexual assault claims can be made under the NSW Government’s Victims’ Support Scheme. While victims of sexual abuse are entitled to claim compensation under this scheme, it is helpful to have an experienced lawyer by your side. A competent lawyer will have a great deal of knowledge about the rights of victims, and can explain these rights to you. They can provide you with comprehensive advice on seeking compensation, appearing in court, and lodging complaints, dispute and appeals. Importantly, a lawyer should listen carefully and compassionately to your story, advocate for you and direct you to services that can provide you with additional support.

Our legal team will support you through the challenging process of seeking compensation. We will listen and respond to your situation with compassion, dedication and care.

Compensation for sexually abused victims under the victims’ support scheme covers:

  • Counselling services to assist with trauma and psychological injury
  • Financial support for immediate needs – medical expenses, costs associated with ensuring safety and wellbeing
  • Financial support for economic loss – ongoing medical expenses, living costs, lost income
  • Recognition – lump sum payment to acknowledge the trauma suffered

For a comprehensive and compassionate service, contact Wyatts today. We are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for you.

Under the NSW Government’s Victims’ Support Scheme, you are eligible to receive:

  • A maximum of 22 hours of counselling
  • Immediate financial assistance up to $5000 for primary victims
  • Financial support for continuing costs up to $30,000 for primary victims or parents of a child victim
  • A recognition payment up to $10,000 depending on the nature of the assault

Wyatts Compensation Lawyers can provide you with legal advice and assistance when you are submitting your claim. Importantly, they can assess your case and advise as to whether you are eligible for additional compensation through an alternative scheme. They can also advise as to whether civil litigation should be sought through the court system.

Child sexual abuse compensation claims can be made by any person who has experienced sexual abuse when they were under 18 years of age, and while in an institutional setting – regardless of when the abuse occurred.

An institution is any public or private agency, association, club or organisation that provides, or has provided, activities, facilities, programs or services of any kind that allows adults to have contact with children. Child sexual abuse in an institutional setting can happen either on the premises of an institution, or where the activities of an institution take place.

If you or a loved-one has experienced child sexual abuse, Wyatts Compensation Lawyers are here to help. We understand that taking the first steps towards compensation can be challenging, so we offer our legal services with compassion and sensitivity. Please contact us today to speak with one of our lawyers. We will listen with compassion, care and sensitivity.

Sexual Assault

As part of the Victims’ Support Scheme, victims of sexual assault can apply for compensation. However, there are time limits in place for accessing particular forms of financial assistance. For example, if the victim is an adult, claims for financial assistance for economic loss must be made within 2 years of the incident. However, if the victim was a child (under 18 years of age), there are no time limits imposed. Given that different time limits apply for different forms of assistance, it is important that you act as soon as possible. The team at Wyatts can help you understand your rights as a victim, and can provide expert, personalised, and compassionate legal support.

Institutional Child Sex Abuse

As part of the NSW Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, time limits for civil claims have been removed. This change to the law was brought into effect under the Limitation Amendment (Child Abuse) Act 2016. This means that you can pursue a compensation claim no matter how long ago the abuse occurred.

Our team of lawyers understands that talking about child sexual abuse and sexual assault can be difficult, and it takes great courage to speak-up. We will listen to you with compassion and sensitivity, and will support you in your journey. Please contact us today to take the first step towards claiming compensation.

If you or anyone you know needs emotional support, please contact one of these services:

Wyatts Compensation Lawyers Represent Victims of Sexual Assault

Seeking compensation for sexual assault can be overwhelming at a time when you are at your most vulnerable. Our specialised team of compensation lawyers have the depth of care, knowledge and expertise to assist you in making a sexual assault claim. Our compensation lawyers also have the determination and skill to represent you during litigation in court. Our resolve is to secure your future by obtaining the best possible outcome.

Wyatts Compensation Lawyers have multiple offices conveniently located in the Sydney CBD, Parramatta, Liverpool, Brisbane and Melbourne. Call Wyatts today on 1800 773 880 or contact us via our online form for an attentive and personalised service. Remember to ask for more information about our No Win, No Fee policy.

Law Society of NSW

Contact Us

Wyatts Compensation Lawyers
Sydney Office (Head Office)

Level 2/299 Elizabeth Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 773 880

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